You can finally have it ALL -- relish in a tastefully renovated home while enjoying the amenity-rich lifestyle of Brookstone and top-rated Harrison school district! Almost everything in this home has been fully updated! Welcome home to an updated and freshly painted brick exterior. Beautiful landscaping surrounds this level property and fenced backyard. Upon entering the home, you are greeted with a two-story foyer and newly refinished real hardwood floors and paint throughout the main level. Hardwood risers and wrought-iron spindles showcase the stunning staircase. Separate living and dining rooms are ideal for entertaining or creating a home office. This stylish kitchen beautifully displays white cabinets, gray subway tile backsplash, quartz countertops, stainless appliances, and recessed lighting--ideally open to the great room and perfect for entertaining. With a spacious deck overlooking the private fenced backyard, you'll have an perfect spot for grilling or a just relaxing evening on the deck! You will love doing the wash in this adorable laundry room with stunning tile flooring! Upstairs, you will not believe the size of the owner's suite--it's massive! Complete with brand new hardwood flooring, cozy brick fireplace, and plenty of room for a sitting area or exercise equipment, you will not want to leave your bedroom! Unless you're in the owner's bathroom! Exquisite marble surrounds this stylishly updated bathroom, complete with brand new vanities, large freestanding bathtub, and gorgeous tile shower with frameless shower door--with the finishing touch of the designer lighting! The owner's bath even includes a built-in Bluetooth speaker! Brand new carpet, lighting, and painting are in all the bedrooms. Secondary bathroom includes a brand-new vanity and lighting as well. Retreating down to the terrace/basement level, you'll feel the plush carpet on the stairs and see the open railings. Gorgeous new luxury vinyl plank flooring, painting, and recessed lighting are throughout the terrace level. You'll also find a bedroom and newly added bathroom--with a pretty new vanity and stand-up tile shower. There is a huge open room in the basement ideal for anything--game room, man cave, or entertainment room. Basement also includes a storage/utility room! Top rated Schools of Vaughan Elem./Lost Mountain Middle/ Harrison High. While Brookstone III offers its own pool, playground, tennis courts, and basketball court, you may also consider joining Brookstone Country Club. Brookstone Golf & Country Club offers an 18-hole Larry Nelson-designed golf course, full driving range, two chipping areas with practice bunker and large putting green, pro shop, and golf calendar events. For tennis or pickleball players, there are eight lighted tennis courts including two clay courts and 4 dedicated pickleball courts. Brookstone includes a Junior Olympic-size swimming pool and separate adult pool. Take advantage of the Members' grill for casual dining and full calendar of social events. The gym includes state-of-the-art strength and cardio equipment. Exercise classes encourage motivation through live, instructor-led classes room. Get a full-body workout as you enjoy your favorite fitness program, including yoga, Pilates, barre, and boot camp. This is a unique opportunity for a fully renovated home in a highly desirable community with top-rated schools--schedule your appointment today!
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Podrobnosti o nemovitosti
Informace o nemovitosti
Typ nemovitosti
Single Family Residence
Seznam Kategorie
Na prodej
Velikost domu
čtverečních stop
5 lůžek
4 koupele
Dny na místě
20 Dny
Rok postavený
Poplatky HOA
Poplatky HOA zahrnují
Swim, Tennis
Číslo MLS
Informace o šarži
Velikost šarže
Neighborhood, Trees/Woods
Architektonický styl/Design
Concrete Perimeter
Stavební materiály
Brick Front, HardiPlank Type
Vodní zdroj
Interiérové prvky
Natural Gas
Central Air
Forced Air
Ceiling Fan(s)
Gas Range
Gas Water Heater
Exteriérové prvky
Cable Available
Electricity Available
Natural Gas Available
Phone Available
Sewer Available
Underground Utilities
Water Available
Parkovací funkce
Garage Faces Front
Kitchen Level
Level Driveway
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Ellie Barreneche at Keller Williams Signature Partners
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